“Prenatal Earth, Life in Gaia’s Womb: Pollution as a Psychedelic? Will We Be Born? Can You Look Your Belly in the Face?” of Psychology of Apocalypse by Michael Adzema.

“Prenatal Earth, Life in Gaia’s Womb:

“Pollution as a Psychedelic?”

“Will We Be Born?

“Can You Look Your Belly in the Face?”

of *Psychology of Apocalypse:

Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide

by Michael Adzema

This is the entire Chapter 20, titled,

“Prenatal Earth, Life in Gaia’s Womb:

“Pollution as a Psychedelic?”

“Will We Be Born?

“Can You Look Your Belly in the Face?”

of *Psychology of Apocalypse:

Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide

by Michael Adzema

which is

a comprehensive look at into the deepest psychological reaches of humans.


Psychology of Apocalypse seeks to explain how, with humans on the cusp of the end of all life on this planet, including their own, humans could look away.

In doing so, it presents a major new theory in psychology, the Prenatal Matrix of Evil or the PMEs.

The Prenatal Matrix of Human Evil theory traces our drive to annihilation to the unique human experiences prior to birth, occurring in the third trimester, which arise of the fact that in our evolution humans became bipedal.

“Bipedalism affected human psychology in that the new pelvic structure changed how babies would experience birth & gestation.

“The resulting birth trauma & fetal malnutrition, unique in Nature, accounts for our drive to kill ourselves—humanicide.”

The complete book is available online at the links.

you can read the book, which is posted on the blog, or you can follow the directions there & download a free copy of Psychology of Apocalypse.

There is a pdf file that is there & is downloadable & it looks exactly as the book looks.

To read and/or download a copy, click a link in the thread:


Feel free to download the book, pass it around, use it to help get word out to save the planet to whoever or to whatever outlet you know.

Unless major actions by the world’s governments happens fast, it is all over for life on planet Earth.

& please send any comments/reviews of the book to me at


The idea being I might be able to use your comments in describing it in my own sharing on social media.

Finally, if what you prefer are paperback or ebook/Kindle versions, you may acquire them at the links below.




All my books are priced at cost or the minimum Amazon allows.

#psychology #environment #anthro #climate #prenatal #ecopsychology #pollution #womb #Earth #FetalMalnutrition #GreenHouseEffect #ecopsychology #womb #humanicide #suffocation #birth #ClimateChange #Briend #fire #deMause #smoking #gestation #mythology #oxygen #consciousness #primal #spirituality #anthropology #perinatal #Grof #rebirth #psyche #PMEs #PreandPerinatalPsychology #activism #science #psychohistory #toxins #extinction #evolution #Thanatos #spirituality #Will2Die

symbolism #PME4 #revulsion #BLM #racism #tattoos #MAGAts #GoldenAge #bigotry #hippies #genocide #devo #devolution #FBR #BPMs #prehistory #bipedalism #AquaticApe #Miocene #ElaineMorgan #foraging #language #hair #communication #PME1 #PME2 #antivaxxers #Covid19 #antimaskers #nuclear #radiation #antivax #eco #shamanic #PME3 #therapy #Fukushima #WPPSS #SUB #Springfield #Eugene #Oregon #utilities #electricity #OregonFairShare #LifeLineRates #irritation #phobias #burning #creepiness #evil #SexualAbuse #ecocide #rape

About sillymickel

Activist, psychotherapist, pre- and perinatal psychologist, author, and environmentalist. I seek to inspire others to our deeper, more natural consciousness, to a primal, more delightful spirituality, and to taking up the cause of saving life on this planet, as motivated by love.
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